Monday, November 25, 2013

1,23, TO THE ZOO

Story: 1,2,3 To the Zoo
Author: Eric Carle

      Here's another book by the very famous children's author Eric Carle. This time it is a counting book!!! Again, his colorful illustration catches the child's imagination using his unique drawing skills.
     There are many books out there that teaches kids about counting but this one takes the bait of not just simply counting random stuff but counting animals that can be seen in a zoo! Children will easily be attracted to this book as it includes animals and what captures a child's attention but animals right? Especially animals that are not common in our household. 
     It is also very relatable especially to kids who have visited a zoo. After reading, pupils will start to chatter about the other animals they have seen in a zoo and the teachers can asks them questions like, "Wow! You saw some tigers too! How many tigers did you see?" "How about a turtle? Did you see a turtle and how many are there?" "How many of you saw a gorrilla? Is there a small gorilla? How many are small? How many are big?" and so on and so forth.
    I hope you guys can purchase this book but If you can't there are other counting books out there as well in your local bookstore. Remember, when buying a book for your children or pupils be sure they are colorful, interesting, and relatable.
    Enjoy reading!!!!

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